Reading Challenges Visualized

Last week, I had the pleasure of presenting at the PA Writing & Literature Project (PAWLP) Summer Institute on using visual tools in multigenre composition. One of the visual tools that I discussed was the use of infographics. Then in my Twitter feed this past weekend, I came across Cheryl’s Mizerny’s list of reading challenges for her students. I’d been brainstorming a similar list in my writer’s notebook, but seeing Cheryl’s list motivated me to finally put the finishing touches on my own for my students.

As I put together this list of challenges, I thought back to what Kelly Gallagher wrote in Deeper Reading. In a section he calls “Nurturing Palm Trees,” he writes, “My motivation has sprouted from past reading experiences. The more branches I grow, the easier it will be to add new ones. All readers have their own branches―and they are varied.” As a reader, I know this to be all too true, and when I look back on my own reading life, I can see exactly how my reading branches sprouted and grew―from my Sweet Valley High obsession to, eventually, Jane Eyre, or from the Nancy Drew series to the Girl with a Dragon tattoo books (now that’s progression 🙂 ). Gallagher also points out that “Growing a branch on a healthy tree is a lot easier than starting from just a seed.” As a teacher, I need to find ways to help students grow more branches.

In the end, I put together an infographic with 14 reading challenges to hopefully inspire my students this coming year. In addition to posting it on my teaching website, I also formatted it as an 18×24 inch poster that I can print out and hang up in my classroom. I used Canva to make the design and VistaPrint for printing.

Reading Challenge Online Poster


NOTE: Clicking on the image above will bring you to a larger sized png image file that may be suitable for smaller size printing –  my guess would be in the 16×20 range, but I’m not sure. Click here to view and save the PDF, which is suitable for printing to 18×24 (that’s what I did).

If you do use it or plan to use it in your classroom, let me know – I’d love to know how it goes.
Or if you have any other idea for reading challenges, please share below. Thanks!


  1. Pingback: Making space for learning: a classroom tour | Tricia Ebarvia

  2. Pingback: Weekly Diigo Posts (weekly) | The Reading Zone

  3. Hi Tricia! I found your beautiful infographic while researching for an article I’m writing for the Pennsylvania Library Association’s blog “The Compendium” about how public libraries are using reading challenges to motivate and interest readers. Would you allow me to use your infographic and share your wonderful ideas in my article? Thanks for considering! ~Elizabeth


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